In general pitta types have a medium or average build with good musculature and flexibility. Psychologically pitta types can very competitive and like to excel at what they do. This mental focus and attitude continues into their yoga practice.
Physically, pitta types develop well in their asana practice, but devote less time to developing the more spiritual or mental element of their practice.
Due to pitta’s naturally fiery energy and temperament, their Yoga practice during summer should be more cooling on both a physical and emotional level. Their natural drive and ambition however, can lead them to push themselves too much creating more heat in the body and the head.
During the high pitta months of summer, pitta types should approach their asana practice from a more cooling, nurturing and relaxing perspective. This does not mean that pitta types cannot enjoy their favourite asanas. Care should be taken to keep the body and mind cool between asanas and end their asana practice with a long relaxation period in Savasana.
If the lifestyle, exercise and diet of Pitta types promotes more fire in the body and the mind through the summer months, it will certainly create an imbalance and lead to pitta type conditions.
If you are pitta type, try following these guidelines for your summer practice.
- Your practice should be gentle, cooling and relaxing
- A gentle Ujjayi breath is suitable. Opening the mouth to exhale with help to cool the body down.
Cooling asanas :
Chandra Namaskar – moon salutation.
Seated postures are generally good, specially posture which open he hips:
Standing hip opening asanas:
Stimulating and releasing tension from the lower abdomin, small intestine and liver, where pitta accumulates, are beneficial for maintaining balance. These postures encourage a downaward flow of pitta energy through the digestive tract.
Seated and standing forward bends bring energy to the mid abdomin where pitta can accumulate. The overall affect will be cooling and grounding.
Seated twist are especially beneficial as the can help eliminate pitta which accumulates in the lower abdomin and small intestine.
Try to maintain a clear, relaxed mind throughout your practice.
Finish with a cool, relaxing Savasana. You should leave your asana practice feeling cool