by Clare Bannister | Jan 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Red lentil soup. A quick, nourishing meal that can be adapted to suit all 3 Doshas. Vata and Pitta – Add a side of un-yeasted bread for a more substantial meal. Pitta, Rotti, Soda bread or Sourdough all work well. Kapha – for a pungent, warming kick, add a...
by Clare Bannister | Jan 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
An Ayurvedic diet is naturally alkaline friendly.No doubt you will have read, or may be following an alkaline diet. The ‘Alkaline Diet’ or simply, the predominantly alkaline approach to eating has become popularised by the media. An Ayurvedic diet, which...
by Clare Bannister | Jan 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
Baked Apples with Spiced FruitA great breakfast for Kapha Types. For Vata types: Soak the dried fruit over night in ginger tea before you stuff the apples.Following Ayurvedic principles, fruit should be eaten on its own and avoid eating fruit and yoghurt together...
by Clare Bannister | Jan 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
Kitchari is a simple, nourishing dish which is gentle on the digestive system and balancing for all Doshas.There is no, one set recipe for kitchari. It simply means ‘2 grains’. Generally, the basic ingredients of the dish are basmati rice and mung dahl...
by Clare Bannister | May 14, 2015 | Uncategorized
The United Nations General Assembly has declared the 21st June, which is also the summer solstice, International Day of Yoga. Now with official recognition from the UN it is hoped that the holistic benefits of Yoga on health and wellbeing are further spread and...